Lead Singer Kai Hicks of The Platinum Band, who performed for the City of Round Rock at their Juneteenth Event along with Roger Heaney and Pamela Cotton

David with Greek Statue - Mime (David Yeakle)
If you ever wanted to spend a night with a Greek statue, check out the pic at left from the Symphony Jewel Ball, that’s me with David Yeakle mime extraordinaire. The other pic is Stacy James, our gala star at the IBAT convention at the Gaylord. She lives in Arkansas now, but is a former Miss Texas, has a new CD out etc. etc. Point being, anyone, anything, anywhere, with style and production expertise is the objective of David Perkoff Music Company.

Stacy James
David Perkoff's team provided
Lee Ann Womack
at the
Hyatt Lost Pines
for the
Principal Financial Group
click here for MORE
David Perkoff's team wrote directed and produced the Time Warner Cable Customer Care employee event in Austin, Texas
click here for MORE |
DPM Four Major Bands on Four Ranches - San Antonio • Cory Morrow's event on the Knibbe Ranch

DPM provided the entertainment for the Premium Outlet Mall Grand Opening in Round Rock!

pictured above are A.D. Munguia (top) and Tracie Lynn (bottom left)

DPM provides entertainment for the new Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort & Spa


David & Chris managed the KEM concert staged by Time Warner to benefit Huston-Tillotson University


David Perkoff's Little Big Band New Year's Eve |


Marvin Hamlisch, Chris (DPM) & Mark McVey |
Go to the Phantom Love Boat Movie!
For the Fourth Successful Year in a row . . .
A special one weekend only show . .
When Esther’s Follies goes on vacation,
they gave the keys to the theater to
The Phantom of the Love Boat. Click here for more information
Show dates: Thursday, Friday, Saturday – August 4,5,6, 2005
Location: Esther's Follies Theater, 525 E. 6th St. Austin, Tx. 78701
Austin Children's Hospital gala

view video clip from Children's Hospital Gala

David Perkoff Music produced Love Boat Show at Esthers Follies
and a Knight entertained at DPM event
Please click on the pictures above for a larger version
Special presentation to meeting planners:
Click here for "cutting edge" Fun and Music 
Children's Hospital Foundation Gala
David Perkoff Music brought Vegas to Austin for the 2004 Gala!
What A Party!!!
click on a picture to see a larger version! View video clip
Independent Bankers Assoc. of Texas
Second Annual Foundation Gala
David Perkoff Music worked with the IBAT staff to provide the 2003 Gala. David produced the entertainment, coordinated the video production and was the events Master of ceremonies.

click on the pictures above for a larger image - video of DPM at IBAT event
DPM provided a "live" picture for the Texas Medical Association's 150th anniversary event

Photo of pop star Jessica Simpson with Stewart and Cami of Dance Intl. David Perkoff Music booked Dance Intl to teach Jessica's family and entourage country dancing at their rehearsal dinner. DPM also provided the Big Time Band and jazz whiz David Chenu for her formerly secret reception at Barton Creek in Austin. 
Darrel Royal and David "share a moment" UT's Bevo event on the Colorado River

The David Perkoff Music Time Travelers performed for Clark Wilson's Circle C Grand Opening!
David Perkoff Music recently provided the pipers for the inauguration of Southwestern University's new president Jake Schrum. The 39th US President Jimmy Carter was the keynote speaker
The pipers for the event were the Silver Thistle Bagpipers.
Go to the Time Travelers video clip
David Perkoff Music & Esther's Follies "To Go" early promotional Phantom Productions, Inc. - video

DPM event for Dell in Las Vegas - video

DPM event for the American Heart Association - video

David Perkoff Music provided production support for the Junior Diabetes Foundation's Gala at the new Westin Hotel in San Antonio. A giant Monopoly game board with huge dice and tokens were used with corporate and celebrity players. The event was produced with a high level of energy using multiple cameras and big screens so everyone could watch the action. DPM also produced the Austin JDF Gala.

David Perkoff Music produces
custom musical comedy shows to fit your theme and budget. Combined with our extensive resources for musical talent, we can stage an event that your guests will talk about for years.

National Acts 
David Perkoff Music also books national acts for corporate and association events. Entertainers have included; Gary Morris, Helen Reddy, Christopher Cross and Lee Greenwood, seen here with Chris Theophilus. Chris manages Phantom's association with DPM.

Who are some of David Perkoff Musics' steady clients?
HOSPITALITY Barton Creek Conference Center, Four Seasons Hotel, Renaissance Hotel, Horseshoe Bay Resort, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Lakeway Inn, Word of Mouth
THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Chancellor's Office, President's Office
TEXAS ASSOCIATIONS Lumberman's Association of Texas, Independent Banker's Association of Texas
HIGH TECH Apple, Dell, Origin, Tivoli, IXC
SOCIETY & CHARITY Child and Family Services, American Heart Association, Military Ball

We have many great entertainment ideas!
Kerry Awn - winner of Texas' and Austin's funniest person contests, Kerry is an outstanding standup comedian and experienced as an M.C. as well. He is quick on his feet, and commands his stage - a great comic performer to host your event.
...and much, much more! 

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site content copyright 2016 David Perkoff Music, Inc. • corporate entertainment • custom music & comedy shows • Austin, Texas |